This system takes a natural step, combining the
Link System with the Loci System and utilizing the advantages
of both. In this system, the first peg is a room or
an object found in the room. Tied in to this, is your first study/list
object. This object then becomes the next peg to which you link
the next study/list object and so on, up to approximately seven
objects linked in a row (applying the principles of Chunking -
this is expanded upon in my books.)
How well you utilize this method relates to your ability to use
your imagination. There are no two ways about it - practice will
bring great improvement. This takes us back to the importance
of the Imagination Exercises I offer. The Link/Loci System opens
the door to major memorization. When I originally tested people
with these systems, I gave them a thirty-item list, and in a matter
of approximately twenty minutes, I taught them this system and
retested them. The average improvement was between 200 - 400%!
I encourage you to have someone write up a couple of thirty-item
lists and practice using the Link/Loci System. This system is
easy to combine with other techniques, such as the Phonetic System,
which we will examine next.